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7 September 2024


The Privacy Policy imposes on the material and data collected by our resources and published on our website.

This Privacy Policy explains our practices and choices that revolve around data collecting and information gathering, which PostPlanet has decided to work accordingly. Our Privacy Policy describes those measures we assemble the data and information through the subsidiaries and affiliated companies. The Privacy Policy implies to each site, which connects or interlinks directly to this policy. We open the information for third-party behind the curtain of particular circumstances and according to the Privacy Policy. Some of the details are presented underneath.

This Privacy Policy and the “Term of Use” are mentioned mutually on the site to aware of the user and bring them in confidence about the content or data collection practices and applications implemented by the PostPlanet. These are the particular set of rules and regulations that describe the way to use our website. Once you arrive on our website or want to access content belonging to our resources, you must accept and accommodate our terms and privacy policy to continue the site and to enjoy our blogs and creative content pieces.

Before that, PostPlanet suggests reading the set of terms and privacy policy thoroughly frequently; we have created for our users. We are advising our users to go through the website “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy” because they consider as a significant concern and changes over time without giving any prior notice to users/visitors/subscribers.

There is some information we want to receive from our users/visitors/subscribers.

information Collection Practices

PostPlanet requires or collects two types of information from its user, visitor, or subscriber.

  • We require your personal information for your identification.
  • Visitors who came on our website as a guest, for those we automatically enlist their information in our data analysis related to the user.

Ip Address

The Incoming Patrol (IP) address is an exceptional proof of identity that allows your computer to establish links. The websites you visit spontaneously or when the user’s device connects to the internet, intentionally. The webservers are phenomenal to identify your computer or device on which you are performing your daily tasks. Our servers perform efficiently to log the user’s IP address automatically. The collecting the IP addresses is very genuine, and many other websites act the same to gather their visitor’s identification. This information utilizes for system administration and to channelize the insider goal or objective.

Cookies & Techinical Information

Cookies are some small size files that transfer inevitably when the user browses or opens any site. These cookies files help the servers of PostPlanet to create flexibility for the user by saving passwords, subscriptions procedure. The Insider can analyze the only necessary information about preferences, passwords, and other related to the user. A cookie does not participate or contribute to help the server to gain the valid identification of the user.

Here are a small part plays by the third party. They can receive the analysis information of the users from our servers to promote or advertise your interest-related stuff. They get to know your preferences and choices from the analysis data. Still, it does not disclose the identity of an individual.

we get from the device, browser, and the operating system the user is using during the visit of our website. Internet service provider, IDFA or IDFV, MAC address and setting of the browser, the webpages, and mobile app. You are using, ads you intact with, and particular sites you are using for a specific task. All contribute to providing technical information to the user.

Email Communication

Email communication is a way through which we interact with the user by asking specific questions regarding their email subscription, queries about emails, and compliments, which the user described in the form of a password, SSN, or any information you deliver to us.

How We Use This Information

We use the information as described in this policy for multiple purposes, generally with your consent.
We utilize data and information for marketing products and services. The usage of technical knowledge and data helps us to upgrade or improve the structure, function-ability, and content that publish on our website. This information enables us to customize the user experience